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Real Missionaries

Julia shares a number of wonderful, awe-inspiring missionary biographies of her contemporaries working in different countries across the globe. The book is also full of many useful cross-cultural principles, God’s miraculous hand moving in the midst of very difficult conditions, and lots of humor.



Gems From The Ends of The Earth

In nearly three decades of missionary work, Julia has bumped into some truly amazing and inspiring Christians, literally from the ends of the earth. Their breathtaking lives and testimonies have always captured heaven’s attention, and now they can take you on an amazing ride of faith and endurance.

These aren’t your typical muscle-flexing, red-tight-wearing spiritual superstars. Neither have these victory winners ever walked a red carpet or spent an evening being wined and dined by the political elite. These heroes, in some of the least privileged nations of the world, are made of a less ostentatious, more humble metal––one that shines more brightly than gold in the eyes of their Maker.

Paolo, Selida, Losha, Tome, and Vengai are just a few of the awesome heroes from these inspiring stories. They are some of the precious gems that Julia has unearthed when she gave up her all to follow the Lord into strange and difficult lands. The life journeys of the heroes in this book also help make our God even more famous today, by highlighting His unending power, mercy, faithfulness, and love.

Julia Love

After being healed of a rare muscle disease at about 24 years old, Julia Love became a Christian and committed her life to following Jesus. She had always wanted to become a teacher and so spent the first decade of her working life happily as a teacher in various schools. Then the Lord called her to full-time missions. She spent 30 plus years in full-time missionary service with her denomination, living and serving in Bolivia, Mozambique, and Ukraine. The Holy Spirit then led her to a further decade and a half doing permanent itinerary missionary work in those countries as well as many other fascinating and needy nations like Madagascar, Tunisia, Spain, and Burkina Faso.